My Story, Part Thirty Four

“Portion control” really sounds like something other than a diet issue, but it is, really, a diet issue. It basically has to do with how much you eat.

My biggest diet weakness–and it remains a huge weakness for me–is portion control.
In my case, it’s more like portion out of control. I have a desire to eat until I’m full–and for me, full is very full. I also have difficulty with leaving food on a plate; if it’s out, I’m very likely to eat it.

I’ve tried various things to try to get portions under control with varying degrees of success. Making less food tends to be the most effective thing; others, like putting time limits on my eating, have been really ineffective.

Some of the issue, I think, is cultural–after all, it’s hard to turn down offered food due to the possibility of insulting someone (I often joke that it’s against my religion to turn down free food, and I also often tell the story of how they ran out of food at a friend’s wedding–more than a decade ago–and how I remember that to this day). The Licensed Clinical Social Worker in me also says that it’s largely psychological, that it’s substituting for some other unmet need–and I won’t say any more than that right now.

The two things that have been at least a little effective in portion control have been drinking a glass of ice cold water before the start of the meal and eating more regularly through the day (the six meal plan). I think these have been somewhat effective just because they make me feel less hungry. Even though I don’t necessary -like- feeling full, I still eat to that point (like right now).

All that said, there’s no question that portion control is important to your health. I have not come up with a way to do well with this, but I am hoping to. Do you have thoughts to share? I’d really appreciate it!

This entry was posted on Monday, July 6th, 2009 at 10:21 am and is filed under Diet, Weight loss. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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