My Story, Part Forty Two

I’m on vacation this week. Some of these posts may be a bit short, but they were written to give you something to read while I’m traveling as well as to continue on our ongoing themes:

My story, if nothing else, is about not giving up and just starting over. I’ve lost some fitness the last week away, I’m sure, and I’ll have to make that up. What’s clear right now, after my trip, is that I’m not recovered. I just got back from KansasFest late on Sunday night, so it’s only been about 16 hours that I’ve been on island.

I’m beat. I was delayed a couple of hours between Honolulu and Kansas City, and a combination of the crazy pricing, lack of nutritional value, and inconveniences of getting food while flying across the country ended up with me being at least a bit dehydrated.

If you’ve followed my posts this past week, you’ve also learned that I didn’t make my rather modest exercise goals while in Kansas City. Having been to KansasFest fourteen times before, I ought to have known; KansasFest days are 18 hours long if they’re not 20 hours long–or longer. Trying to get sufficient exercise with a schedule like that is nothing short of impossible for me.

So what to do now?

I’ll give you one hint–it’s not give up.

I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning for a bike ride, if I do okay with my run tonight, and maybe a swim along the way.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 28th, 2009 at 10:30 am and is filed under Bicycling, Exercise, Running, Social aspects, Swimming. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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