My Story, Part Forty Three

While I’m technically back at home, I’m still on vacation this week. Some of these posts may be a bit short, but they were written to give you something to read while I’m traveling as well as to continue on our ongoing themes:

Yesterday was my first workout since I came back from my trip to Kansas City.

I had gained about four pounds by my scale and I definitely felt like my lower extremities were a bit swollen, which is a problem I have when I get dehydrated or inactive–which I’m sure I was both of on the trip. Sure enough, while my cycling shoes fit fine and dandy, they were tighter than usual, so I really knew that something was up.

I did only my normal “short” ride, a quick 12 mile route I call “the hour”, because while it takes less than an hour to do, the prep time beforehand and the putting away of stuff afterward makes it pretty much an even hour of my time.

My right knee, which has been acting up a little while running, was not all that happy with the ride, although not in horrible shape. The bike was fine, and my lungs were okay, although I did suck down two complete large bottles of water (twice what I usually do on this ride).

When all was said and done, my time was okay, my bike was fine, my knee–while not entirely pleased–was fine, and my feet had lost half a size after a couple of bathroom breaks.

This morning, after an unusually high frequency of bathroom runs overnight and pushing water on myself at a high rate–which I try to do when I suspect I’m dehydrated–my weight was down to my pre-trip 185 and my swelling was down.

I’m back to what passes for normal, sans a week of training.

And all it really took was water and jumping back on the bike.

This entry was posted on Thursday, July 30th, 2009 at 10:39 am and is filed under Bicycling, Exercise. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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