My Story, Part Eighty

I’ve got the doldrums, but I’m shaking them off. One of the things it’s too easy to do when it comes to my morning workouts is to roll the other way and hit the snooze button until it’s too late to actually work out. Having some peer pressure is helping me do that, as well as some upcoming goals.

I’m not perfect, though. I spent the four days starting on American Thanksgiving and ending on Sunday by oversleeping, not getting up before 7 any of those days, and staying up as late as 2 am working on a computer. The word discipline didn’t apply.

Still, having some goals in sight–three organized runs before the end of February–is helping me to get a little focused.

Now, where are my running shoes….

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This entry was posted on Monday, December 7th, 2009 at 10:30 am and is filed under Motivation, Organized events, Running, Social aspects. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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