Running for my Life

While I still (and I think always will) hate running, I do have to admit that it may be saving my life–well, that, cycling, and eating better.

When I was diagnosed with diabetes at age 34, I weighed 265 pounds. As of today, I weigh under 180, headed toward 170. I was breathing hard and while I liked physical activity, I wasn’t getting nearly enough of it.

Now I am. In fact, I’m getting so much of it that when I don’t exercise for a few days, I really feel it.

Years ago I read in Type II Diabetes: The First Year that some people felt like being diagnosed with diabetes saved their life. I have to agree that sounded strange at the time. Now, however, I have to say I agree: being diagnosed with diabetes–and more importantly, what I’ve done to deal with it, including my hated running routine–has certainly saved my life.
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This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 at 10:30 am and is filed under Personal, Running. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “Running for my Life”

  1. Put Things into Perspective | Redd-Design Says:

    […] and a genuine nice guy. We’ve talked quite a bit online about random stuff, from our mutual dislike of running to his apparent love of Apple […]