Checking My Speed, Weight, and Body Fat

Posted on February 9th, 2011 by ryan
Filed under Personal, Running | 1 Comment

Inspired and instructed by Racing Weight, I’ve been keeping relatively close track of my weight, speed, and body fat since late last year.

For instance, when I started keeping track of this, on December 26, 2010, I weighed 179.8 pounds with a body fat of 29.1% and ran three miles at a 10:59 pace.

On Sunday, the day of the Johnny Faerber 10K, I weighed 179.4 pounds–almost the same–with a body fat percentage of 29.5–also almost the same–but ran a 10K (more than twice the length of the initial three mile run) at a 9:57 pace–more than a minute faster.

It’s hard for me–at least at this point–to find much of a body fat/body weight correlation with my speed.

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My Story, Part One Hundred Eighty Five

Posted on February 8th, 2011 by ryan
Filed under Organized events, Running | Comments Off on My Story, Part One Hundred Eighty Five

I’m tired, but pleased. I ran the best race of my life on Sunday, coming in at a pace almost two minutes per mile than the previous year, a pace more than half a minute faster than I was hoping for. Success has been happening with all of my running events recently. I am hoping […]

The 2011 Johnny Faerber 10K

Posted on February 7th, 2011 by ryan
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This 10K was a real test. I’ve been faster in the 5K and 8K leading up to it, but 5Ks and 8Ks aren’t really long enough in my opinion to tell me a lot about how fast I really am, since I can power through short distances. a 10K, however, is long enough to be […]

My Story, Part One Hundred Eighty Four

Posted on February 4th, 2011 by ryan
Filed under Organized events, Running, Training | Comments Off on My Story, Part One Hundred Eighty Four

I’m not at my best despite the numbers. I’m doing well running by all estimations but I don’t feel like I’m doing my best. I’ve got more speed in me than I’ve ever had before, but my weight is still not down, my body fat isn’t either. I think my working out and watching my […]

Fast is Relative

Posted on February 2nd, 2011 by ryan
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I’m running as fast as I can–which is faster than ever. My fast speeds are in the 10 minute per mile range. My slow ones about 12 to 13 minutes per mile. This is much faster than I’ve ever run. Still, when I look at the fastest racers in my age/gender bracket–they’re able to run […]

My Story, Part One Hundred Eighty Three

Posted on February 1st, 2011 by ryan
Filed under Running, Social aspects, Training | Comments Off on My Story, Part One Hundred Eighty Three

I’m frustrated, even though I’m running decently. This weekend was just about a total failure to get anything done, and two flats on Sunday was the last straw. I was expecting the worst during today’s run, but for a five miler with some hills, things went pretty well. The last time I did a non-race […]


Posted on January 31st, 2011 by ryan
Filed under Motivation, Social aspects | Comments Off on Frustration

Let’s just say this frustrating weekend included virtually no working out and still needing to fix the flats on my bike. Yes, flats. I bought a new tire, so I hope that ends this streak–especially considering that I had gone so long without having any flats. So frustrated. These days happen. I just want them […]

My Story, Part One Hundred Eighty Two

Posted on January 28th, 2011 by ryan
Filed under Social aspects | Comments Off on My Story, Part One Hundred Eighty Two

I’m frustrated. The addition of my aunt to my household, and yet another person requiring care–in her case, 24 hour a day supervision–has resulted in an even more significant time crunch. Add to that the supervision I’m providing to one of my former interns as she works on her clinical social work license and my […]

What’s Worthwhile For Your Health: Classes

Posted on January 27th, 2011 by ryan
Filed under Social aspects | Comments Off on What’s Worthwhile For Your Health: Classes

Cross posted with my other blog, Uncommon Cents: Since I’m interested in health as well as finances, I often look for where the two intersect. One of the places it does is in taking fitness classes. For what it’s worth, I think that, provided one important caveat is kept in mind, I think classes are […]

My Story, Part One Hundred Eighty One

Posted on January 25th, 2011 by ryan
Filed under Personal, Social aspects | Comments Off on My Story, Part One Hundred Eighty One

I’m faster, but not really lighter or leaner. I’ve done so much better in 2011 racing than 2010 that I wonder if my times are really correct. Yet it’s clear that I really am that much faster. Perhaps the 2010 version of me was horridly slow. Or the training I did is really paying off. […]